Friday, March 26, 2021

Sebelum egoku bangun

Ketika kudapati pagi
Aku menggunting bumi
Dan membungkusnya dengan langit...
-Sebelum egoku bangun...

Wednesday, March 24, 2021




My steps are far away

Black cloud in a restless heart
Fallen leaves one and one falls in lap 
I have already drowned in his arms
Last season before you reached
My steps are far away

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

White Dove

Dried already flowers in a hug
The white dove marched home
Fly through the storm
High in the clouds
Disappearing in the black sky
Goodbye memories
Until when will it be
I have to wait
Happy days like the old days?
With love back intimate
Make out one more time
The promise of a million stars
In a hug It's such a clear morning

The meaning for 'I divide...

Tired of keep looking...
The meaning for 'I divide... 
Accompany my steps...
But not meaningful...

Monday, March 22, 2021



In the light of the lamp, I asked...
How about yearning desire ?
Did he hear my stars snitch...

Cakepan Ikan Cupangnya ya..





Friday, March 19, 2021

the meaning of conscience

Where do my steps go
There is always U'r shadow
I believe in the meaning of conscience

 U will never be replaced
 When the ocean U cross
 Don't hesitate to stand alone
 I trust my little heart
 U won't turn away

Even if it's the end of the world, I will definitely wait
Even though the seven oceans, I will definitely wait
B'cause I believe, U're only for me

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Tanda baca

Banyak tanda baca yang penuh tawa...
Sehalus makna yang tersirat...
Tanpa mengurangi nilai dan bijaknya...
Maka kearifan adalah tujuan utamanya...

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Lihatlah disampingmu

Ketika kamu terlalu sakit untuk melihat ke belakang...
Dan kamu gamang untuk menatap ke depan...
Maka lihatlah disampingmu ? 
Disitu ada yang selalu setia menemanimu...
Untuk menghadapi semua itu bersamamu...
Dialah suamimu, istrimu, anak2mu, saudara2mu dan Sahabat2 terbaikmu....

Sunday, March 14, 2021

In my silence I make you a rainbow...

When nature paints the night..I let loneliness walk the soul...In silence my heart whispers..even though it sounded soft...

I watched you in my way that you don't understand...ln my silence I make you beauty...although bandaged in wounds...In my silence I make you a rainbow, though covered in gray...

Either this is right or wrong...why be heart sculpted...Either this is right or wrong...why am I experience it.. .ln the greatness of Your night, O Allah...I put my mind in a question...Asked who was strung in a sighed breath...A question that was once painted through your dreams, O Allah...

Dreams that would not be possible in scripts...just wrapped neatly inside...

Hidup itu indah

Kehidupan yang paling indah itu adalah jika kita selalu berada di hati orang2 lain...atau jika selalu berada di doa orang2 lain.... ataupun selalu berada di keduanya...di hati dan di doa2nya....

Friday, March 12, 2021



Pernah sedekat nadi...
la berakhir asing kembali...
Pernah sekuat hati menggenggam...
Hingga seketika la hilang...
Dan tak kembali...

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Ada yang hilang

Ada yg hilang... 
Apa yang tertoreh ? 
Digaris angin pada awan...
Apa yang terukir ? 
Dipatri ombak pada pasir...

Life is a journey

Life is a journey, 
Making friends with enthusiasm & passion...
A short break is contemplation, making silence & peace of mind... Life is a never-ending story, 
There is warm & happy, there are tears & sorrow, there are black & white, There are day & night, there is heat & rain..
Life is like writing a long verse of poetry that never ends...

Monday, March 8, 2021

Berada di sisi yang mana?

Setiap orang mempunyai tawa dan airmatanya masing-masing...
Lalu di sisi manakah kau berada diantara tawa dan airmatanya itu?


Sunday, March 7, 2021

I don't want everything to disappear


I stare at the Wisdom closely...
I never know who U're...
l never met U before...
But a sense of admiration is present in the depths of the heart...
Let everything be a mystery.. .
I don't want everything to disappear...
Enough I know It is tucked in regret not knowing him? 
Because quickly U go...

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Rengkuhan Sang Penjaga Langit...

Telah begitu panjang kaki berjalan...
Sejak pertama memulai penyusuran...
Menapaki dasar jiwa lewati batas logika...
Menghapus resah, Mengukir senyuman...
Mengharap rengkuhan sang Penjaga langit...



Friday, March 5, 2021

U come & go...


Í never hesitate & I always remember... 
The wink of U'r eyes and the warm touch... 
At that time, I was afraid to find meaning... 
Cultivate a feeling of chest tightness...
U come and go, just like that...
I accept everything as it is...
Eyes closed and heart murmured will it come...

Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Memahami orang lain adalah kebijaksanaan...
Tapi bagaimana memahami untuk diri sendiri ??...
Pencerahan adalah jawabannya...

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Proud of anyone like that

Appreciate the slightest concern or effort of other people or the work of others...
Because all masterpieces are formed from the slightest an intention, idea...
Someone's kindness...
Proud of anyone like that...